-Χριστούγεννα και καλοκαίρι 2006-
Έφθασε το αεροπλάνο,μπήκαμε στο αυτοκίνητο και με αργούς ρυθμούς ακολουθούσαμε τα άλλα φωτάκια μπροστά μας μέχρι να μπούμε για τα καλά στη Μόσχα.Μεγάλα κτίρια,περίεργη...αυστηρή αρχιτεκτονική κι εγώ ένα παιδί που συγκέντρωνε στο μυαλό του τόσες εικόνες...Σα σφουγγάρι κρατούσα μέσα μου όλα όσα έβλεπα...Άνθρωποι,εικόνες,χρώματα,γεγονότα και καταστάσεις,με σημάδεψαν για μια ζωή.
Ερωτεύτηκα τη Μόσχα!Ύστερα την Αγία Πετρούπολη,ύστερα το Βόλγκογκραντ,την Τούλα,το Κούρσκ,το Ιβάνοβο και κάθε μια μικρή περιοχή απ'την οποία περνούσα ή και έμενα για λίγο..Για έναν ανεξήγητο λόγο ερωτευόμουν αυτή τη χώρα όλο και πιο πολύ!Την έζησα για 4 χρόνια...Έγινε κομμάτι μου,κομμάτι της ψυχή μου.
Όταν άρχισα να βλέπω πραγματικά,όμως,το τι γίνεται,άρχισα να πατάω γερά στα πόδια μου και να συνειδητοποιώ ότι όλα δεν είναι τόσο αγγελικά πλασμένα όσο φαντάζουν στα δικά μου μάτια..Χιλιάδες ψυχές θυσιάστηκαν γι'αυτό το "μεγαλείο",χιλιάδες κορμιά αγωνίστηκαν και άλλα τόσα εν έτει 2006 πέθαιναν στους δρόμους,όχι πάνω στην Κόκκινη Πλατεία[ΠΡΟΣΒΟΛΗ],αλλά δίπλα στα ποτάμια,στα πεζοδρόμια,στο μετρό...Τύχαινε κάπου κάπου να δεις και κάποια άψυχα σώματα,κανείς δεν ενδιαφερόταν...Τους μάζευαν το πρωί,μαζί με τα σκουπίδια..Τι εικόνα!Όταν βλέπεις κάτι τέτοιο,δε γίνεται να μη νιώσεις,να μη δακρύσεις,έστω ένα δάκρυ για τη μνήμη αυτού του ανθρώπου που τον μαζεύουν σα ζώο απ'το δρόμο και τον πετάνε,ένας Θεός ξέρει πού!
Απάνθρωπο θέαμα,μα καθημερινό!Το βίωσα!Τόσες εικόνες...καμία λέξη δεν τις περιγράφει σωστά τώρα που το ξανασκέφτομαι.Περπατώντας στους δρόμους της Μόσχας νιώθεις ελεύθερος,αλλά σκέψου τι είδους ελευθερία είναι αυτή...Εικονική!Δεν υπάρχει ελευθερία!
Αρχηγός κράτους KGBίτης.Όλοι οι υπόλοιποι πιόνια του,ρομποτάκια κανονικά!΄Ενα κράτος στο οποίο κυριαρχεί η εμπορία όπλων,ναρκωτικών,σωμάτων,ψυχών...Νεόπλουτα "παιδάκια" που παίζουν με χιλιάδες ζωές!Οι μισοί πεινάνε και οι άλλοι μισοί ζουν αρχοντικά στα παλάτια τους!Τι να πει κανείς;ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ!
-Καλοκαίρι 2012-
Πέρασαν τα χρόνια,η κατάσταση ίδια προφανώς!2011:Τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα καταλύονται.Ισότητα;Δημοκρατία;Παρρησία;Ελευθερία;Μπαααα...Ούτε καν!Αντί να βελτιώνεται η κατάσταση,όλα πάνε πολύ χειρότερα!
Δεν μπορείς να μιλήσεις ελεύθερα,δε μπορείς να συζητήσεις,δε μπορείς να εκφραστείς!Μην τολμήσεις να πεις ότι είσαι gay...καταλήγεις στη φυλακή(δημοκρατία είπαμε)!Μην τολμήσεις να υπερασπιστείς τα δικαιώματά σου,καταλήγεις και πάλι στη φυλακή!Μην έχεις ακτιβιστική δράση,μη διαδηλώνεις,μη ζεις,μην αναπνέεις!ΑΠΑΓΟΡΕΥΕΤΑΙ ΡΗΤΑ!
Πριν από καιρό oι Pussy Riot,γυναικείο punk band,βγήκαν κι έδειξαν έμπρακτα τη δυσαρέσκειά τους και το αποτέλεσμα...της φυλακής τα σίδερα...Ο λόγος?Προσέβαλαν τον κο Putin και καλά.Τόσοι δημοριογράφοι δολοφονούνται κάθε χρόνο στη Ρωσία μόνο και μόνο επειδή ανοίγουν το στόμα τους!Τίποτα από αυτά δε μαθαίνεται ποτέ όμως!Τίποτα!Λογικό όμως...Τρέφουν τον κόσμο με ψέμα και αυτός συνεχίζει και ζει δοξάζοντας όλους αυτούς τους "Κυρίους" που για να ξεπλυθούν απ'τη τόση βρώμα που κουβαλάνε,δε τους φθάνουν οι ποταμοί όλης της Ρωσίας!Συνεχίζουν να βάφουν τα χέρια τους με αίμα και κανείς δεν αντιδρά!Κανένας!
Τους τελευταίους μήνες πολλοί gay και straight ακτιβιστές οδηγήθηκαν στη φυλακή,επειδή δε φοβήθηκαν να μιλήσουν.Το ότι μιλάω γι' αυτούς τους ανθρώπους είναι το λιγότερο που μπορώ να κάνω.Δεν υπάρχουν επιλογές άλλωστε,τα πράγματα είναι δύσκολα!Ας έχουν από όλους μας τη στήριξη που χρειάζονται...
Τρίτη 31 Ιουλίου 2012
Pussy Riot trial over pro-gay Putin protest begins.
Human rights campaigners denounce trial of Russian female punk band as 'politically motivated'.
Three members of Russian female punk band Pussy Riot pleaded not guilty to 'religious hooliganism' as the trial into an anti-Putin protest which spoke out for gay rights began.
Maria Alekhina, Ekaterina Samutsevich and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova were accused of 'hooliganism on the grounds of religious hatred' for singing a protest song in Moscow’s main Orthodox church.
The performance of 'Virgin Mary redeem us of Putin' included a reference to the country's persecuted LGBT community with the line 'Gay pride sent to Siberia in chains' and was staged on 21 February to rally against the president ahead of the country's elections in March.
The trio have been in detention for four months now and face possible prison sentences of up to seven years.
It's unknown who long the trial will last and despite Tolokonnikova saying they didn't mean to offend anyone, a court ruled on 21 July that the women must remain in pre-trial custody for six months.
Human rights groups have condemned the trial, with Amnesty International accusing it of being 'politically motivated'.
'This trial should never have taken place,' said Amnesty Europe and Central Asia director John Dalhuisen.
'The three singers are being tried for making a legitimate protest. This is not a criminal offence. They must be released immediately.
'They dared to attack the two pillars of modern Russian establishment - the Kremlin and the Orthodox Church.'
He added that expected sentence was 'wildly out of proportion'.
He said: 'We have serious concerns whether Maria Alekhina, Ekaterina Samutsevich and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova may have a fair trial thanks to the extremely prejudicial atmosphere cooked up in a string of statements by politicians and clerics from the top echelons of Russian society.
'These have been widely broadcast by the media shaping public opinion against these three women. The trial is clearly politically motivated.'
During the demonstration in Christ the Saviour Cathedral, several group members covered their faces with balaclavas.
The song called on Virgin Mary to become a feminist and banish Vladimir Putin. It also criticized the dedication and support shown to Putin by some representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church.
The Russian authorities subsequently arrested Maria Alekhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova on 4 March, and Ekaterina Samutsevich on 15 March, claiming they were the masked singers.
One of the women, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, has admitted to being a member of the larger Pussy Riot group and taking part in the protest, while the other two deny any involvement in the cathedral protest.
Anti-gay-marriage website removed from internet after 'attacks' in New Zealand.
Anti-gay-marriage website hacked and taken down in New Zealand, as support for same-sex marriage bill grows.
A New Zealand anti-gay-marriage website has been taken down by its hosting company after 'attacks' on the day it was officially launched.
The webhost of the 'Protect Marriage' website decided to take it down after 'large scale Denial of Service' attacks (hacks) to protect their servers.
There were reports this morning that the website's petition opposing same-sex-marriage had been targeted by pranksters.
3 News reported that the 127 signatories included Marshall Mathers (Eminem), Curtis Jackson (50 Cent), Tobias Funke (a character from TV show Arrested Development) and ‘Nosy, Homophobic People Intruding on others lives’.
Bob McCroskie, director of Family First, one of the groups behind the website, said it had been the target of the ‘largest unprecedented attack on a website in New Zealand history’ in an interview with Stuff.co.nz.
McCroskie described the hack attack as ‘a desperate attempt’ at shutting down the argument against same-sex marriage. He said the group were now working with an international webhosting company and hope to have the website live again tomorrow.
Before it was taken down the website got into trouble with American rock band Train who objected to the use of their song Marry Me being embedded on the homepage.
McCroskie said they would take down the song if they were told to by the band, but they haven’t been contacted yet.
The website’s troubles come as New Zealand Prime Minister John Key said in a radio interview this morning that he will support the same-sex marriage bill currently in parliament, adding to the likelihood that it will be passed.
Tanzania LGBT rights activist found dead.
Maurice Mjomba, a leading LGBT rights activist and sexual health advocate was found dead this morning at his home in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Maurice Mjomba, a leading LGBT rights activist and sexual health advocate, was found dead today at his home in Dar es Salaam this morning.
The circumstances of his death are still unclear.
According to Julius Lumanyika Kyaruzi, coordinator of the Centre for Human Rights Promotion (CHRP), Mjomba was found dead at his home early this morning.
Kyaruzi told Identity Kenyathat a neighbor noticed a foul smell' from Mjomba's house and called the police.
It may be that he has been dead for several days now, Kyaruzi also stated that Mjomba 'unreachable on phone' since last Saturday.
His body is at Muhimbili Mortuary awaiting an autopsy to determine the cause of his death.
A police investigation is now being carried out, although initial unconfirmed reports suggest that he may have been murdered.
29 year old Mjomba was a training coordinator (HIV and injecting drug use) at CHRP as well as a leading activist in Stay Awake Network Activities (SANA), a leading organisation in Tanzania dealing with sexual health awareness for men who have sex with men, which includes gay and biseuxal men. He was one of the founding member of SANA, and served as assistant secretary and executive committee member.
According to SANA's Facebook page, Mjomba was 'was strangled by unknown person (s) the date of his death has not been confirmed yet. For more information, we will let you know.'
Colleagues describe him as a 'hard-working' 'honest' and ' a diligent worker.'
Pade, who worked with Mjomba described him to Identity Kenya as 'a kind, sincere and an open minded person.
'He was always ready to help others at all times and he would take time to see things are done accordingly and provide solutions.'
Pade also noted that Mjomba 'never wanted to be on the forefront (activism) but he would be at the back when you fall he would catch you. He was a thinker too!'
On his Facebook profile, LGBT activists and friends commented on the news with shock. Mjomba's was highly praised as a key hard working activist and his death is a great loss to the nascent LGBT community in Tanzania.
Gay Star News does not know and can not confirm details about Mjomba's private life.
It is still unclear if this was indeed a murder or related to a homophobic crime.
Δευτέρα 30 Ιουλίου 2012
UK's first out lesbian MP becomes Liverpool pride patron.
Labour politician Angela Eagle to lead pride march through her home city in north of England.
Angela Eagle, Britain’s first out lesbian Member of Parliament, has become the first ever patron of Liverpool pride.
She said she is 'proud' to be given the honor and to lead the LGBT parade through the center of the English city.
'Liverpool Pride does so much to celebrate the diversity in communities across Merseyside,' Eagle said.
'It also works to tear down barriers, stand up for rights and insist on equality for LGBT people.
'And although only in its early years, the annual Liverpool pride festival is already rivalling similar events around the globe. The festival positively represents the Liverpool city region as the wonderfully colorful, vibrant and accepting place that it is.
'It also serves as a reminder that the world has no place for discrimination and prejudice. It certainly has no place on Merseyside.'
Eagle will attend the third annual pride on Saturday (4 August), where she will make a short speech before the march begins.
The current Shadow Leader of the House of Commons and chair of the Labour Party's National Policy Forum campaigned for LGBT equality throughout her career and played a leading role in the abolition of anti-gay laws including the Tories’ Section-28 which banned the ‘promotion’ of homosexuality in schools.
Zoran Blackie, Chair of Liverpool Pride said: ‘Liverpool Pride is honored that such an inspirational figure within the campaign for the rights of LGBT people in this country is willing to stand with us in recognizing and supporting the needs of our community.
'I am delighted that she will be helping us to lead the march through Liverpool city centre, as she represents what we are all about – our LGBT community making a difference in our city and showing us off to the country.'
Liverpool Pride started just two years ago and has grown to be one of the biggest free gay festivals in the country, after London.
The inaugural event attracted over 20,000 people and doubled to over 44,000 last year.
The city's gay village in the Stanley Street area will hold a street party after the parade and there will be live music stages both there and at the Waterfront.
If you want to take part in the pride march, register online at www.liverpoolpride.co.uk/marchbefore tomorrow (31 July).
Outing could be a crime, Italian Supreme Court rules.
The Corte di Cassazione decided on a case of a shop owner sueing a newspaper for an article indicating him as gay.
There’s not a ‘public interest’ in outing a gay couple. So, a newspaper, writing a news story about two Italian shop owners, has committed a crime.
This is what the Corte di Cassazione (the Italian Supreme Court) has ruled discussing the case of a gay couple of an Italian country village.
According to the court ‘The outing of LGBT people in this case was not in the public interest. It went against privacy and defamation laws.’
The article at the centre of the discussions was about the story of a rich shop owner who fell in love with his male shop assistant.
After the love story, the shop owner left his wife and made the shop assistant a partner in his company.
The shop assistant then sued the newspaper. But the story had already spread in other newspapers and news agencies.
The characters of the story were described only with their jobs and first names. But, according to the court, ‘this was enough for the recognition by the readers coming from a small context.’
So, for the first time in Italy, the act of outing has been condemned by a court.
But, ruling the case, the Corte di Cassazione also said that ‘being gay is not an element to be hidden or denied, today. But everyone should choose when and how to reveal it.’
Παρασκευή 27 Ιουλίου 2012
Iran gays celebrate national LGBT day.
Iranian LGBT activists celebrate the country's third national day of sexual minorities.
Iran’s LGBT community celebrated its third national day of sexual minorities today (27 July).
They used it to send a message of love and solidarity.
Activists in Iran took photos, wrote blogs and recorded themselves to show that they exist everywhere, and are proud of their sexuality.
The Iranian LGBT community Facebook pagestated ‘Today is the first Friday in the month of [a]Mordad [the fifth month in the Iranian calendar]. For the third consecutive year, today is celebrated by an expanding community of Iranian LGBTs inside Iran as the National Day of Iranian LGBTs.’
Six gay activists in the city of Kerman, in southern Iran, took pictures of themselves celebrating the occasion, holding a sign which says: 'Happy National Day of Iranian Sexual Minorities.'
Gorji Marzban chairperson of the Austrian-based Oriental Queer Organization (ORQOA) told Gay Star News: ‘Iranian LGBT people want to celebrate our sexualities, we exist and we’re not sick or sinners.
‘Someday it will become a day of celebration, and the LGBT community in Iran will be proud of their struggle against ignorance and rigidity they experience from the regime.'
Omar Kuddus, a UK based activist who campaigns on Iran, stated: 'It is heart-warming [this] is in its third anniversary. Homosexuality in Iran is still very clandestine and behind doors.'
He said the country continued to use trumped-up criminal charges in order to execute gay people while disgusing to the rest of the world the real reason for their death.
'Unfortunately homosexuality will never be accepted in Iran whilst the current regime is in power,' he added.
In 2007, during a visit to Columbia University, USA, Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad famously denied the existence of LGBT people: ‘In Iran, we don't have homosexuals like in your country. In Iran, we do not have this phenomenon. I don't know who has told you we have that.’
Human Rights Watch used its 2011 report to document the extreme difficulties the LGBT community in Iran faces including harrasment, presecution and even murder by family members being a common reality.
Homosexuality is a crime punishable by imprisonment, corporal punishment and even execution under Iran’s strict Shari’a laws.
First openly gay politician in Kenya seeks senate seat.
David Kuria wants to legalize homosexuality and be known as the 'HIV politician'.
The first openly gay politician in Kenya will be seeking a senate seat in elections next year.
David Kuria, 38, will be aiming to represent his home county of Kiambu, close to the capital of Nairobi, in the March 2013 vote.
After passing a new constitution in 2010, Kenyans are seeking a new crop of leaders for the 49 counties that make up the African country.
In an interview with theGlobal Press Institute, Kuria said: ‘Most politicians in Kenya seek leadership positions so they can amass wealth for their families.
‘But as a single man who does not aspire to have a family, my sole mission will be to serve the people.’
If elected, his main agenda in the Senate would be to push for laws to fight HIV.
‘I want to be called the HIV senator,’ he says. ‘I believe it is possible to eradicate the scourge if the right laws are put in place.’
He says the decriminalization of homosexuality will be a big step toward winning the war against the virus. He would also strive to increase public health financing, as millions of Kenyans are pushed into poverty every year because of medical problems.
Kuria will have a difficult time running for the position, as homosexuality is a taboo in Kenya. Same-sex acts are a crime punishable by the state by up to 14 years imprisonment.
Denis Nzioka, activist and creator of Identity Kenya, told Gay Star News that it is not important if Kuria does not actually win the seat.
‘Coming from an activist point of view, his shot of trying the seat is far more ‘winning’ than actually winning the seat,’ he said. ‘Do I think he will win the seat? Probably not.’
He said people are not willing to vote for a gay candidate, and most have likely not read his portfolio and promises.
Nzioka added gay politicians have these issues worldwide, and often fail on the first time. For people like Harvey Milk, ‘it is not the winning that is crucial; it’s making a statement.’
Transwoman charged with death via buttock injections.
Florida transwoman known as ‘the Dutchess’ charged with manslaughter after allegedy injecting a woman's buttocks with a substance bought at The Home Depot.
Oneal Morris, a transwoman known as ‘the Dutchess’, was charged with manslaughter in a Florida court on Tuesday after allegedly injecting a woman's buttocks with an unknown substance from The Home Depot.
The victim, Shatarka Nuby died in March this year while in prison for an unknown charge in Tallahassee, Florida.
The autopsy listed the cause of death as respiratory failure ‘due to systemic silicone migration as a consequence of cosmetic silicone injections of the buttocks and hips’.
Nuby wrote a letter to the Florida Department of Health in November last year saying that she had received ‘multiple body enhancement injections’ from Morris and was now suffering ‘severe medical problems’.
Florida Department of Health investigator Christopher Butler then took a statement from Nuby in December 2011 in which she said that Morris had injected her with substances approximately ten times between 2007 and 2011.
Nuby said she paid Morris $2,000 (€1,625) for the first injection.
Morris does not hold a license to practice medicine in the state, but Nuby’s grandmother said that she used to wear medical clothes and a stethoscope when injecting Nuby.
Morris is also being investigated for charges of unlicensed practice of healthcare causing serious bodily injury in a number of other cases.
One of the injections was witnessed by Nuby’s 10-year-old child and a friend of Nuby’s said that she had seen her buttocks turn black.
Nuby’s aunt said that Morris had told her the substance she injected into Nuby’s body was from home improvements store The Home Depot, according to court documents and Sky News.
Gay Olympic torch bearer kisses boyfriend for cheering crowd.
Gay soccer organizer Chris Basiurski helps carry Olympic torch through London.
Gay Football Supporters Network chair Chris Basiurski was cheered today (26 July) as he kissed his boyfriend before carrying the Olympic torch through London.
He told the crowd he was going to marry his partner, James, next year.
But the honor has also been given to a few LGBT campaigners.
Basiurski’s organization is a network for the LGBT soccer community, many of who will be attending Olympic events, particularly the football tournament.
He told Gay Star News: ‘I'm honored to have carried the torch through London and it was amazing to see and hear all the support from both my family and GFSN members along the route.’
Meanwhile a gay campaigner against hate crime has also spoken about being a torch bearer on Monday (23 July).
Mark Healey was chose because of his work founding the charity 17-24-30 which was set up in tribute to the victims of the London Nail Bomb attacks on Brixton, Brick Lane and Soho – the last of which targeted a gay bar, killing three people and wounding 70.
Healey said: ‘There were thousands of people along the route clapping and cheering as we travelled along.
‘Now I have the torch I want to take it out to the people that have supported 17-24-30 over the past three years, to make sure that they can share in this experience.
‘Through community events like this that we learn to set aside our differences and become as one, more united, stronger community and that will help us tackle issues like hate crime.’
Martina Navratilova: On Olympic closet gays and marriage.
We speak to Martina Navratilova the world’s most famous lesbian in sport about the Olympics, her marriage hopes and more.
Martina Navratilova is much more than the world’s best ever female tennis player.
She is also a champion for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights (as well as for animals and underprivileged children) and an icon and inspiration for millions of people around the world.
As London opens the 2012 Summer Olympics today (27 July) we reveal our exclusive interview with her, conducted at the Out and Equal Global Workplace Summit in the UK capital last month, where she was a keynote speaker.
When you came out in the 1980s did you imagine that 30 years later in the Olympics there might still only be a handful of well known openly gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender athletes?
Is there a mission statement for the International Olympic Committee?
Yes and it includes equality.
For gays and lesbians or just for all?
I’m not sure it’s as specific as that. [Later checks confirmed it insists on non-discrimination for all but does not reference LGBT people specifically.]
I haven’t looked at it and I keep meaning to look at it and even my academy the gays and lesbians are not included and I need to get on that.
But yes and no. The sports world is very archaic, and particularly the team sports but I think the athletes are just too paranoid about coming out and I think if they did they would realize it was ok.
You know homophobia is easy to do when it’s generic but it’s very difficult when it’s specific. It is easy for a player to make jokes about fags or whatever but if one of the team is an out gay player, they are not going to be making those jokes. And so I think if the athletes came out it would all change.
But the team sports is where it is difficult because particularly for the younger ones in colleges, you may have a homophobic coach. And if you come out the coach does put you in the team and you don’t get to play.
On the other hand the tennis community has been out and supportive. We were the first sports group who got behind AIDS awareness largely due to Arthur Ashe being infected. Did we get behind it more because he was infected due to a blood transfusion and he wasn’t gay? If he had been gay would we have been behind him in the same way? I don’t know.
But in some ways the sports world has been ahead of the curve on social issues – even the gay stuff because there was no discrimination on the outside but on the inside in team sports it was definitely there.
Still I have always said the biggest thing we can do to advance the cause is to come out. If just a few would come out while they are still players, the floodgates would open.
One of the most commonly cited reasons for sportspeople not to come out is about sponsorship. Is that realistic?
It’s total bullshit. First of all that was a concern 30 years ago and cost me plenty of money but nowadays it wouldn’t. I don’t think it’s a plus or minus anymore. If it is a minus it is so minor. And, after all, how many athletes get endorsements? Very few. It really is the cream of the crop that get any outside sponsorship. Even good footballers just have their shoe deal. Are they going to get a drink deal? How many? It’s just a cop out really.
Do you think it is possible to encourage more athletes to come out? The government in Britain has started a charter for sport to tackle homophobia and that doesn’t seem to have changed that.
It will. You put the legislation in place and you just can’t be prejudiced against it any more. Of course the grassroots are important but it has to come from the top down as well. It makes a huge difference.
On to other subjects, how confident are you that the US will win gay marriage and will the election make a big difference?
Absolutely. I think more so than ever. Romney is just so unpredictable because he has shifted so much but he is beholden to the Conservative wing and there is no way he will come out in support of this. So Obama’s re-election is huge on so many levels but for the social issues the Republicans are going backwards, trying to put the women down and gays, they don’t even mention them.
Gay marriage is a huge issue. I think it will happen. I gave it 10 years about eight years ago so we are close to that. Under Bush we had no chance but now that Obama has spoken out in favor it is only a matter of time but I think it will happen before the end of his second presidency, no doubt.
So how confident are you that Obama will be re-elected?
I am not confident at all. Because there is so much money involved on the other end and they just lie through their teeth. They will say whatever and it has no bearing on reality. I hope he’ll win but it’s going to be close.
The marriage issue – it’s not about the right to get married, it just gives you equal standing in society. For me that’s the biggest issue and we just need to keep going in that direction.
I’ve always said the biggest thing we can do is to come out and when I spoke in the March on Washington in 93 that’s what I said. And when I spoke 10 years later I said you have to come out, keep coming out, make it personal. That’s how you push for equal rights.
Is it a regret that you haven’t been able to get married yourself?
Well, I’ve made some bad choices when it came to partners but I would have liked to have the opportunity to at least make it legal. And I still want to do it in the future. I’m in a relationship now and it’s not possible. It would make life a lot easier on so many levels and it’s a basic human rights.
Beyond the legal side and society’s recognition, do you think it would change the nature of your relationship?
It’s so different for us because gays have not had the possibility. I don’t know. Ask me after I get married, if that ever happens, and I will tell you what it feels like.
You spend time in both the UK and US. Are there things you wish you could take from one country and import into the other?
The UK is so regulated, so you don’t have so much freedom, people get carried away with it. When you are driving I think you spend more time looking at your speedometer than the road because you are so terrified of getting a ticket in the mail. They take it too far one way and you are on a camera everywhere which is kind of scary. If it’s just to catch the criminals, great – but it’s misused and terrifying that way.
But on the other hand it is so much more progressive on social issues in the UK. It is really ahead of the curve and the US is so far behind. Anything which has to do with sex we are really messed up in the States. I think it’s still left over from the Puritans. There is a law in Florida about the size of bathing suits and you can’t go topless and everything is sexualized. It drives you crazy.
So we are talking about gay marriage and somehow they stand against gay marriage because it’s a gateway to polygamy and bestiality. And you are like ‘really’?
When it comes to anything sexual we have some issues. When I did Dancing With The Stars not only did I have to wear a bra but I had to put nipple covers on in case there is a wardrobe malfunction. God forbid there should be a female nipple on TV because that’s pornography in America. We are just so puritanical in that regard.
Lots of places around Europe are even more liberated about this kind of stuff…
That’s true but the UK is so far ahead of the US. The Czech Republic has so only been a democracy for a little over 20 years but they are much further along with social issues than we are in the States.
The Out and Equal conference is about improving global LGBT workplace rights. What lessons do you want people to learn there.
It is about the corporations making the workplace a safe place. A supportive environment. And again it goes from the top down. If the head of the company is homophobic, then it is ok to be homophobic everywhere. It gives them license to be. But if they stop it at the top it trickles down.
That’s where Out and Equal do such a good job, promoting openness and support of LGBT people and stopping the bullying and name-calling. Ideally one day it will be a non-issue.
Europe and the US, particularly since Hilary Clinton’s speech, have been involved in more global LGBT rights. Do you feel that’s an important focus and somewhere those countries can make a positive difference or is there a danger they could do more harm than good by being seen to dictate?
When you are dictating equal rights, you can not go wrong. It’s just the right thing to do. And when they say it’s our culture, well the culture is wrong. Just because it’s your culture, it doesn’t make it right. Violence against gays and lesbians is just wrong.
If you have to be militant about it then that’s what you do. There are 79 countries where you can be jailed for being gay or even executed and that’s wrong and we know it. By saying that, you are not being a bully, you are just pointing out that they are wrong.
Lesbian who had gay slurs carved into skin speaks for first time.
Neighbor of gay hate crime victim in Nebraska talks of 'shocking' attack which moved hundreds to hold vigils in support.
A Nebraska lesbian whose attackers allegedly carved anti-gay slurs into her skin before setting fire to her house has spoken out about the ordeal for the first time.
Three masked men broke into the house of 33-year-old Charlie Rogers in the early hours of Sunday morning (22 July).
The attackers reportedly tied her up and cut her all over her body, before scoring her skin with homophobic insults. They then covered the floor in gasoline and set it alight.
Moved by the brutal assault, around 500 held an impromptu candlelit vigil at the steps of the Capitol building in Lincoln on the same evening of the attack and a thousand people also showed their support in Omaha last night (26 July).
In her first media interview with KETV, Rogers said: 'My world has been changed forever.
'I can't adequately express how much it has meant to me that people are standing with me and people are standing for me.'
She added: 'For people to think this doesn't happen here, it does. It did.'
Lincoln Police are investigating the incident and Rogers' lawyer Megan Mikolajczyk denied rumors that the story is a hoax.
A neighbor who sheltered Rogers following the attack told the news channel she was 'in shock' after hearing what happened.
'She was naked, her hands were tied with zip ties,' said Linda Rappi.
'All I could see was a cut across her forehead and blood running down.'
Πέμπτη 26 Ιουλίου 2012
Έλληνες αθλητές των Ολυμπιακών: Σκεφτείτε για ποιους πανηγυρίζουμε.
Η αθλήτρια Βούλα Παπαχρήστου και ο Ηλίας Κασιδιάρης, αλλά και ένα σωρό προηγούμενοι ολυμπιονίκες που μας βγήκαν τελείως σκάρτοι...
Παλιότερα, προ τουίτερ ή και ίντερνετ, πολύ λίγα μπορούσαμε να μάθουμε για τον ψυχισμό των Ολυμπιονικών μας.
Συνήθως γκρεμίζαμε τα τείχη χωρίς δεύτερη κουβέντα και τους θεοποιούσαμε.
Αλλά αν το σκεφτείς είναι κι αυτοί άνθρωποι - και η θεοποίηση ήταν δικό μας λάθος κι όχι δικό τους. Τους κάναμε αξιωματικούς, τους δίναμε προπoτζίδικα, μπόνους, δημοσιότητα, αιώνια εκτίμηση.
Και πολλοί τα άξιζαν όλα αυτά. Σεμνά παιδιά που έπαιξαν τίμια και που μας χάρισαν χαρά - που ουδέποτε προσπάθησαν να εξαργυρώσουν.
Υπήρξαν όμως και οι άλλοι. Σχεδόν ολόκληρη η ομάδα άρσης βαρών (που τόσο τους θεοποιήσαμε) βρέθηκε ντοπαρισμένη. Ο ένας είπε ότι του ρίξαν ντόπα στην πορτοκαλάδα του για να τον ενοχοποιήσουν, ο προπονητής είπε ότι δεν είχε, τάχα ιδέα.
Γυναίκες μεταλλάσονταν, γέμιζαν σπυριά, η φωνή τους χόντραινε, αποκτούσαν αντρικά χαρακτηριστικά στο πρόσωπο και στο σώμα. Και κάναμε τα στραβά μάτια - αρκεί να μας φέρναν μετάλλια.
Ένας άλλος, απ' το πουθενά κέρδισε τους γρηγορότερους μαύρους του κόσμου, ξαφνικά, και το δεχτήκαμε χαρούμενοι χωρίς να υποψιαστούμε τίποτα. Κι όταν πήγαν να τον πιάσουν ντοπαρισμένο εξαφανίστηκε, ξημερώματα και έστησε με τη Θάνου την πιο ντροπιαστική απάτη - το δήθεν ατύχημα. Κι όμως, μερικές μέρες μετά, όλο το στάδιο φώναζε ρυθμικά το όνομά του, εν τη απουσία του, εξοργισμένο που οι κακοί ξένοι τον είχαν ξεσκεπάσει.
Μια βιομηχανία αναβολικών είχε στηθεί: έμποροι, προπονητές, μεσάζοντες. Ακόμα και εκείνη η καλή κοπέλα που κέρδισε στο βάδην το 2004 έδινε κάτι ψεύτικες διευθύνσεις σε κάτι απροσπέλαστα βουνά για να μην την εντοπίσουν και της κάνουν έλεγχο ντόπινγκ.
Ο δε Πύρρος Δήμας, απ' τους ελάχιστους της ομάδας άρσης βαρών που δεν στιγματίστηκε για αναβολικά, στιγματίστηκε τελικά ως επικεφαλής του Επικρατείας του Πασόκ, επί Βενιζέλου και τώρα, υποθέτω, είναι βουλευτής. (Στη χειρότερη περίοδο του Πασόκ! Είναι θαραλλέος, αν μη τι άλλο.)
Δεν γίνονται αυτά έξω; Μόνο οι δικοί μας Ολυμπιονίκες τα κάνουν αυτά; Όχι βέβαια. Αν ήμουν όμως Φινλανδός θα έγραφα τώρα για τους Φινλανδούς αθλητές.
Η χειρότερη δικιά μας πάντως, κατά τη γνώμη μου, είναι εκείνη η ανεκδιήγητη Φανή Χαλκιά που είχε κερδίσει ανέλπιστα και μετά έλεγε κάτι χρυσαυγίτικα του στυλ "Το DNA και το αίμα των Ελλήνων είναι ξεχωριστό, είναι στο αίμα μας η νίκη" και κάτι τέτοια χαζά.
(επειδή η μία ελληνική σημαία δεν είναι ποτέ αρκετή!)
Μέχρι που φυσικά ανακαλύφθηκε ότι το μόνο ξεχωριστό στο DNA και στο αίμα της συγκεκριμένης ήταν τα αναβολικά που έπαιρνε! Πόσο ηλίθιες ακούγονται τώρα οι δηλώσεις της για την ανωτερώτητα της Ελληνικής φυλής!
[Κατά τη διάρκεια των Θερινών Ολυμπιακών Αγώνων στο Πεκίνο και λίγο πριν τα προκριματικά των 400μ. με εμπόδια, η ΔΟΕ ανακοίνωσε ότι το πρώτο δείγμα της αθλήτριας βρέθηκε θετικό στην απαγορευμένη ουσία μεθυλτριενολόνη (Μ3), σε έλεγχο που διεξήγαγε η WADA στην Ιαπωνία, όπου η εθνική ομάδα του στίβου προετοιμάστηκε για τους Ολυμπιακούς. Η ουσία Μ3 είναι ισχυρό στεροειδές με δράση περίπου εκατό φορές πιο ισχυρή από αυτή της τεστοστερόνης αλλά και μεγάλη τοξικότητα, και είναι η ίδια ουσία που είχε ανιχνευτεί σε άλλους 14 έλληνες αθλητές σε προηγούμενους ελέγχους. Η Χαλκιά κατέθεσε την διαπίστευσή της και αναχώρησε από το Πεκίνο το ίδιο βράδυ, δίνοντας πριν συνέντευξη τύπου όπου υποστήριξε την αθωότητά της, δηλώνοντας σοκαρισμένη για το γεγονός. Λίγες ημέρες αργότερα, ανακοινώθηκε ότι και το δεύτερο δείγμα της αθλήτριας ήταν θετικό. (Από τη Βικιπαίδεια.)]
Τόση εμπιστοσύνη είχε η Χαλκιά στο ελληνικό αίμα και στην αθάνατη ελληνική ψυχή που έπαιρνε στεροειδή 100 φορές ισχυρότερα απ' την τεστοστερόνη!
H Βούλα Παπαχρήστου αγαπά τον Ηλία Κασιδιάρη
Μία νέα αθλήτρια που αναμένεται να μας φέρει μετάλλιο στο τριπλούν είναι η Βουλα Παπαχρηστου. Ο gpap μου έγραψε χτες:
Οταν σηκωθειτε να πανηγυρισετε για τους Ελληνες αθλητες και αθλητριες στους Ολυμπιακους Αγωνες σκεφτειτε τι ακριβως χειροκροτατε.
Δειτε το λογαριασμο της ελληνιδας αθλητριας Βουλας Παπαχρηστου και το ποιους κανει retweet:

Έγινε χαμός φυσικά με την (πανέμορφη εδώ που τα λέμε) Παπαχρήστου κι η ίδια διέγραψε όλους τους followers της, άλλαξε τη φωτογραφία της (βάζοντας το αυγό του τουίτερ) και δήλωσε:
Δεν θα κουνήσω το δάχτυλο, όπως έχουν κάνει τόσοι άλλοι απ' το πρωί. Όλοι μπορούν να έχουν τις πολιτικές τους απόψεις -κι αφού τα ελληνικά δικαστήρια ΑΚΟΜΑ δεν έχουν βγάλει εκτός νόμου τη Χρυσή Αυγή και δυστυχώς την αφήνουν να υπάρχει στη Βουλή μας- είναι δημοκρατικό δικαίωμα κάθε αθλητή να υποστηρίζει ό,τι θέλει.
Τα ίδια όμως μ' αυτήν, είμαι σίγουρος, ότι θα πιστεύει και η Φανή Χαλκιά, με την ανωτερότητα της ελληνικής φυλής και το μοναδικό στον κόσμο ελληνικό αίμα και DNA. Τα ίδια με την Παπαχρήστου, τον Κασιδιάρη και όλους τους άλλους.
Πιστεύω ότι η Παπαχρήστου πρέπει να αγωνιστεί κανονικά - ασχέτως των (φρικιαστικών, κατ' εμέ) απόψεών της.
Αρκεί να μην έχει πάρει ΟΥΤΕ ΕΝΑ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΡΙΟ απαγορευμένων ουσιών. Για το δικό της καλό, το καλό που της θέλω.
UPDATE: Τελικά αποκλείστηκε, και αφορμή ήταν το τουίτ της για τους Αφρικανούς, το οποίο τολμώ να πω ότι δεν μου φάνηκε και τόσο χοντρό.
Ξέροντας όμως ότι τουίταρε τις ανακοινώσεις της Χρυσής Αυγής, ότι οι απόψεις της ταυτίζονται με του Κασιδιάρη (και είναι γυναίκα!) και έχοντας δει όλα αυτά που είχε γράψει, δε συμφωνώ καθόλου με όσους λένε ότι ήταν ένα απλό αστείο.
Αν το έλεγα εγώ, ή κάποιος τυχαίος, θα μπορούσαμε -και θα πείθαμε με τον πρότερο βίο μας- ότι δεν το εννοούσαμε καθόλου ρατσιστικά, ούτε ότι το είπαμε με απορριπτική κακία για τους Αφρικανούς.
Γνωρίζοντας όμως τις συμπάθειες και την ξεκάθαρη Χρυσαυγίτικη κομματική τοποθέτηση της συγκεκριμένης ξέρουμε πέρα από κάθε αμφιβολία ότι είναι ρατσίστρια κι ότι τα τουίτς της δεν ήταν καλόπιστα ούτε απλώς χιουμοριστικά.
Οποιοσδήποτε μη δηλωμένος Χρυσαυγίτης θα με έπειθε για το χιούμορ του. Αυτή όχι - δεν με πείθει.
Τρίτη 24 Ιουλίου 2012
Hillary Clinton vows to have an 'AIDS-free generation".
US Secretary of State announces additional $150 million in funding International AIDS 2012 Conference.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke at this week's International AIDS Conference and said the US is committed to achieving an 'AIDS-free generation.'
To help accomplish this, Clinton announced that the US is providing $150 million in additional funding that will, in part, be earmarked for putting an end to mother-to-child transmission of AIDS by 2015.
'I’ve heard a few voices raise questions about America’s commitment,' said Clinton. 'The United States is committed, will remain committed. We will not back down. … We will fight for the resources we need to achieve this historic milestone.'
Clinton also reflected in the AIDS Memorial Quilt which she said for a quarter-century 'has been a source of solace and comfort for people around the world, a visible way to honor and remember, to mourn husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, partners and friends.'
'I well remember the moment in 1996 when Bill and I went to the National Mall to see the quilt for ourselves,' she said. 'I had sent word ahead that I wanted to know where the names of friends I had lost were placed so that I could be sure to find them. When we saw how enormous the quilt was covering acres of ground, stretching from the Capitol building to the Washington Monument, it was devastating.'
Clinton pointed out that 1996 was the last time the quilt could be displayed all at once because too many people kept dying and it simply got too big.
'We want to bring about that moment when we stop adding names, when we can come to a gathering like this one and not talk about the fight against AIDS, but instead commemorate the birth of a generation that is free of AIDS.' she said.
Alberta student refuses to live in fear after anti-gay attack.
Canadian student inspires LGBT community to stand up for gay rights after homophobes attacked him in public.
Photo by Facebook
A gay student in Canada who was assaulted and mugged by homophobes has vowed not to let the attack push him back into the closet.
University of Alberta student Chevi Rabbit was attacked by a group of three men walking near his campus in Whyte Avenue on Thursday (19 July) at 9pm.
After hurling homophobic abuse, the 26-year-old claimed one of the trio attacked him, holding him in a headlock, throwing him to the ground and stealing his iPhone.
Rabbit told radio station CBC News that the assault ‘caught me off guard’ because it happened so openly.
‘It's a really good neighbourhood for the most part,’ he explained.
‘There were people playing volleyball, people walking around — a mother jogging. It was embarrassing…they're calling me a faggot in front of everybody.’
He says he no longer feels safe in the area and has moved back in with his parents.
However, despite admitting he now carries pepper spray for protection, Rabbit hopes his story will bring more attention to LGBT hate crime.
‘Being discriminated is unacceptable regardless of race, sexuality and beliefs,’ he posted on his Facebook page.
The make-up artist added: ‘It's unfortunate this gay hate crime happened but I am going to continue living the way I have always lived, openly gay and wearing fabulous make-up.
‘No-one should hide who they are. Life is too short to live in fear, so choose to make it a fabulous one [sic].’
His story has sparked an outpouring of support, with people expressing their sympathy for the student on his Facebook page.
‘I feel for you and I know other people’s ignorance can be hurtful. But remain true. Let that beautifulness shine through babe. I support you even though we don't know each other,’ posted one user who calls herself Jannel Ladyjkeepsitreal Barksdale.
While Katherine Anne commented: ‘Someone else might have been scared, might have hid from the public and who they truly are, but you stood up and made a difference, instead you made it public and inspired so many others to want to stand up.
‘They didn't hurt the gay community, they pushed you to make a stand for the gay community.’
Edmonton Police are investigating the attack and are looking for a silver 2000 Acura 3.2TL car with a spoiler that fled the scene.
Lesbian parents refused family ticket at Austrian theme park.
Theme park in Klagenfurt refuses lesbian couple with two kids discounted ticket because not a straight family.
A lesbian couple with two kids were refused a discounted ticket to a theme park in Austria because they weren't considered a family.
The Minimundus miniature world in Klagenfurt refused to sell the two women a family ticket despite the couple showing sellers the necessary proof that they lived together.
The couple instead had to buy two full price adult tickets and two children's tickets, reported the Austrian Times.
According to the theme park, they were not allowed to sell the tickets to the women for tax reasons and Minimundus boss Hannes Guggenberger said it was clear on the website that the family ticket was only for one mother, one father and two children.
He added that it was 'obvious' the lesbian couple did not meet this criteria.
Markus Einicher, spokesman of the Green Party affiliated organisation Andersrum Kärnten, which represents LGBT groups in Corinthia, described the case as 'outrageous'
Markus Einicher, from LGBT organization Andersrum Kärnten, slammed the theme park's actions as 'outrageous'.
He said: 'These women were publicly humiliated and forced to explain to their children why they weren’t classed as a family.'
Asexuals Among Us.
Gay people are often asked by the curious straight: “When did you first realize you were gay?” In my case, I remember undressing my Superman doll — and being terribly disappointed at the result — as well as being motivated to befriend the more attractive boys in third grade. But hormonally speaking, it wasn’t until I was about 14 that I first looked in the mirror and thought to myself, ah, that’s what I am all right, it all makes perfect sense now.
It wasn’t that much of a mystery. After all, lust isn’t exactly a subtle thing. Back then, I derived as much pleasure from making out with my “girlfriend” as I might have from scraping the plaque from my dog’s teeth. In contrast, barely touching legs with a boy I had a crush on sparked an electric, ineffable ecstasy. In the locker room after high school gym class, I forced myself to picture naked girls in my head (particularly my girlfriend) as a sort of cognitive cold shower, a preemptive strike against an otherwise embarrassing physical response. I could go on, but you get the idea: whether or not we like, hide, or accept what we are, our true identities — gay, straight, bisexual — consciously dawn on each of us at some point in our lives, usually by adolescence. We all have a natural “orientation” toward sexual contact with others, and for the most part we’re just hopeless pawns, ineffectual onlookers, to our body’s desires.
At least, that’s what most people tend to think. But some scientists believe that there may be another sexual orientation in our species, one characterized by the absence of desire and no sexual interest in males or females, only a complete and lifelong lacuna of sexual attraction toward any human being (or non-human being). Such people are regarded as asexuals. Unlike bisexuals, who are attracted to both males and females, asexuals are equally indifferent to and uninterested in having sex with either gender. So imagine being a teenager waiting for your sexual identity to express itself, waiting patiently for some intoxicating spurt of lasciviousness to render you as dumbly carnal as your peers, and it just doesn’t happen. These individuals aren’t simply celibate, which is a lifestyle choice. Rather, sex to them is just so... boring.
In one study from 2007, a group of self-described adult asexuals was asked how they came to be aware they were different. One woman responded:
"I would say I’ve never had a dream or a fantasy, a sexual fantasy, for example, about being with another woman. So I can pretty much say that I have no lesbian sort of tendencies whatsoever. You would think that by my age I would have some fantasy or dream or something, wouldn’t you? ...But I’ve never had a dream or a sexual fantasy about having sex with a man, either. That I can ever, ever remember."
In another study, an 18-year-old woman put it this way:
"I just don’t feel sexual attraction to people. I love the human form and can regard individuals as works of art and find people aesthetically pleasing, but I don’t ever want to come into sexual contact with even the most beautiful of people."
According to the psychologist Anthony Bogaert, there may be more genuine asexuals out there than we realize. In 2004, Bogaert analyzed survey data from more than 18,000 British residents and found that the number of people (185, or about 1%) in this population who described themselves as “never having a sexual attraction to anyone” was just slightly lower than those who identified as being attracted to the same sex (3%). Since this discovery, a handful of academic researchers have been trying to determine whether asexuality is a true biological phenomenon or, alternatively, a slippery social label that for various reasons some people may prefer to adopt and embrace.
It wasn’t that much of a mystery. After all, lust isn’t exactly a subtle thing. Back then, I derived as much pleasure from making out with my “girlfriend” as I might have from scraping the plaque from my dog’s teeth. In contrast, barely touching legs with a boy I had a crush on sparked an electric, ineffable ecstasy. In the locker room after high school gym class, I forced myself to picture naked girls in my head (particularly my girlfriend) as a sort of cognitive cold shower, a preemptive strike against an otherwise embarrassing physical response. I could go on, but you get the idea: whether or not we like, hide, or accept what we are, our true identities — gay, straight, bisexual — consciously dawn on each of us at some point in our lives, usually by adolescence. We all have a natural “orientation” toward sexual contact with others, and for the most part we’re just hopeless pawns, ineffectual onlookers, to our body’s desires.
At least, that’s what most people tend to think. But some scientists believe that there may be another sexual orientation in our species, one characterized by the absence of desire and no sexual interest in males or females, only a complete and lifelong lacuna of sexual attraction toward any human being (or non-human being). Such people are regarded as asexuals. Unlike bisexuals, who are attracted to both males and females, asexuals are equally indifferent to and uninterested in having sex with either gender. So imagine being a teenager waiting for your sexual identity to express itself, waiting patiently for some intoxicating spurt of lasciviousness to render you as dumbly carnal as your peers, and it just doesn’t happen. These individuals aren’t simply celibate, which is a lifestyle choice. Rather, sex to them is just so... boring.
In one study from 2007, a group of self-described adult asexuals was asked how they came to be aware they were different. One woman responded:
"I would say I’ve never had a dream or a fantasy, a sexual fantasy, for example, about being with another woman. So I can pretty much say that I have no lesbian sort of tendencies whatsoever. You would think that by my age I would have some fantasy or dream or something, wouldn’t you? ...But I’ve never had a dream or a sexual fantasy about having sex with a man, either. That I can ever, ever remember."
In another study, an 18-year-old woman put it this way:
"I just don’t feel sexual attraction to people. I love the human form and can regard individuals as works of art and find people aesthetically pleasing, but I don’t ever want to come into sexual contact with even the most beautiful of people."
According to the psychologist Anthony Bogaert, there may be more genuine asexuals out there than we realize. In 2004, Bogaert analyzed survey data from more than 18,000 British residents and found that the number of people (185, or about 1%) in this population who described themselves as “never having a sexual attraction to anyone” was just slightly lower than those who identified as being attracted to the same sex (3%). Since this discovery, a handful of academic researchers have been trying to determine whether asexuality is a true biological phenomenon or, alternatively, a slippery social label that for various reasons some people may prefer to adopt and embrace.
Sexual desire may wax and wane over the course of a life or — as many people on antidepressants have experienced — become virtually nonexistent due to medications or disease. There are also chromosomal abnormalities, such as Turner’s syndrome, often associated with an absence of sexual desire. Traumatic events in childhood, such as sexual abuse, can factor into an aversion to sex too. But if it exists as a distinct orientation, true asexuality would be due neither to genetic anomaly nor to environmental assault. And indeed, although little is known about its etiology (Bogaert believes it may be traced to prenatal alterations of the hypothalamus), most asexuals are normal, healthy, hormonally balanced, and sexually mature adults. For still uncertain reasons, they’ve just simply always found sex to be one big, bland yawn. Asexuality would therefore be like other sexual orientations in the sense that it is not “acquired” or “situational” but rather an essential part of one’s biological makeup. Just as a straight man or a lesbian can’t wake up one day and decide to become attracted to men, neither could a person — in principle, anyway — “become” asexual. Sexual dysfunctions such as hypoactive sexual desire disorder can also be ruled out if a “preference” toward a gender does not awaken in response to clinical intervention such as hormonal treatment. As Bogaert notes, even those with object fetishes or paraphilias usually display a gender-based attraction, such as men who have a thing for women’s shoes or necrophiliacs who have sex with dead women’s (but not men’s) bodies.
But the story of asexuality is very complicated. For example, as discussion on the AVEN (Asexual Visibility and Education Network) website forums demonstrate, there is tremendous variation in the sexual inclinations of those who consider themselves asexual. Some masturbate; some don’t. Some are interested in nonsexual, romantic relationships (including cuddling and kissing but no genital contact), while others aren’t. Some consider themselves to be “hetero-asexual” (having a nonsexual aesthetic or romantic preference for those of the opposite sex), while others see themselves as “homo-” or “bi-asexuals.” There’s even a matchmaking website for sexless love called Asexual Pals. Yet many asexuals are also perfectly willing to have sex if it satisfies their sexual partners; it’s not awkward or painful for them, but rather, like making toast or emptying the trash, they just don’t personally derive any pleasure from the act. As the researchers Nicole Prause and Cynthia Graham found in their interviews with self-identified asexuals, “They were not particularly sexually fearful… they had a lower excitatory drive.” Others insist on being in completely sexless relationships, ideally with other asexuals. Thus, while many asexuals are virgins, others are ironically even more experienced than your traditionally sexual friends. Some want children through artificial means such as in vitro fertilization; others are willing to have them the old-fashioned way or don’t want children at all.
But the story of asexuality is very complicated. For example, as discussion on the AVEN (Asexual Visibility and Education Network) website forums demonstrate, there is tremendous variation in the sexual inclinations of those who consider themselves asexual. Some masturbate; some don’t. Some are interested in nonsexual, romantic relationships (including cuddling and kissing but no genital contact), while others aren’t. Some consider themselves to be “hetero-asexual” (having a nonsexual aesthetic or romantic preference for those of the opposite sex), while others see themselves as “homo-” or “bi-asexuals.” There’s even a matchmaking website for sexless love called Asexual Pals. Yet many asexuals are also perfectly willing to have sex if it satisfies their sexual partners; it’s not awkward or painful for them, but rather, like making toast or emptying the trash, they just don’t personally derive any pleasure from the act. As the researchers Nicole Prause and Cynthia Graham found in their interviews with self-identified asexuals, “They were not particularly sexually fearful… they had a lower excitatory drive.” Others insist on being in completely sexless relationships, ideally with other asexuals. Thus, while many asexuals are virgins, others are ironically even more experienced than your traditionally sexual friends. Some want children through artificial means such as in vitro fertilization; others are willing to have them the old-fashioned way or don’t want children at all.
Scientists have just scratched the surface in studying human asexuality. You can count the number of studies on the subject on one hand. So questions remain. Does asexuality, like homosexuality, have heritable components? Certainly that’s plausible. After all, historically, at least female asexuals, who wouldn’t need to orgasm to conceive, would have probably had offspring with their male sexual partners, thus ensuring continuity of the genetic bases of asexuality. (Although Bogaert’s original findings suggested that asexuality was somewhat more common among women, more recent research by Prause and Graham found no such gender difference in their college-aged sample of self-reported asexuals.) If some asexuals masturbate in the absence of sexual fantasy or porn, then what exactly is it that’s getting them physically aroused? (And how does one achieve orgasm — as some asexuals apparently do — without experiencing pleasure?) Also, if you’re on board theoretically with evolutionary psychology, almost all of human cognition and social behavior somehow boils down to sexual competition. So what would the evolutionary psychologist make of asexuality? If sex is nature’s feel-good ruse to get our genes out there, is there actually a natural category of people that is immune to evolution’s greatest gag?
I have to say the only good way to solve the riddle is also a bit unsavory. But unless psychological scientists ever gather a group of willing, self-identified asexuals and, systematically and under controlled conditions, expose them to an array of erotic stimuli while measuring their physical arousal (penile erection or vaginal lubrication), the truth of the matter will lie forever hidden away in the asexual’s pants.
Excerpted from Why Is the Penis Shaped Like That? …And Other Reflections on Being Human by Jesse Bering, published by Scientific American / Farrar, Straus and Giroux, LLC. Copyright © 2012 by Jesse Bering. All rights reserved.
Jesse’s Bering’s new book, Why Is the Penis Shaped Like That? is published by Scientific American / FSG. An audiobook narrated by Bering is also available. To read more from Jesse Bering, please visit jessebering.com.
Elton John urges International AIDS Conference to show compassion.
Sir Elton John has called for more compassion to be shown to people living with HIV.
The singer was addressing the 19th International AIDS Conference in Washington on Monday.
Sir Elton said: “We need to put our arms around people who are HIV-positive. If you show compassion, no one will be afraid to seek treatment.”
Urging the audience to stand up against stigma, he called for compassion and understanding of all people living with HIV or AIDS, including gay and bisexual men, sex workers and drug addicts.
Speaking about his own experiences with drug use and unsafe sex, he said: “I should be dead. Six feet under and in a wooden box. I should have contracted HIV in the 1980s and died in the 1990s.”
Calling for safe needle exchanges and the decriminalisation of homosexuality around the world, he concluded: “Shame and stigma prevent [people] from getting help, from getting treatment, from protecting themselves in the first place.
“I felt that shame before- it almost killed me. It’s killing people all over the world right now.
“We have to stop it. We have to replace the shame with love. We have to replace the stigma with compassion. No-one should be left behind. That is how we will end the plague.”
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