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Τρίτη 7 Αυγούστου 2012

Website launched to campaign for gay marriage in Tasmania.

Campaign group present legal and economic argument for bringing marriage equality to the Australian state of Tasmania.
A clip from the Tasmania marriage equality video.
Campaign group Australian Marriage Equality have launched a website specifically for the state of Tasmania to support efforts to legalize gay marriage there.
The website, Tasmanians United for Marriage Equality, presents an argument from constitutional experts that says the state is able to enact its own laws on marriage. It quotes George Williams, Professor of Law at the University of New South Wales, who says:
‘When same-sex marriage is debated, many people assume it can only be brought about by the federal Parliament. This belief is misplaced. Same-sex marriage laws can be enacted by the states.’
The group also argue that legalizing gay marriage before the rest of the country will be good for Tasmania’s economy, as couples will travel to the island to get married. They estimate it will bring $100 million (Australian dollars, $106 million, €85 million) to small businesses.

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