The trailer for a new animated film features two dads, two moms, and a bunch of other cooky relatives.
The Boxtrolls film will prove ‘families come in all shapes and sizes, even rectangles’.
Brought to us by Laika, the same stop-motion animation studio that brought gay jock character Mitch in 2012’s ParaNorman, the trailer for Boxtrolls talks about same-sex parents.
The trailer opens by saying: ‘Sometimes there's a mother, sometimes there's a father, sometimes there's a father and a father, sometimes both fathers are mothers.
Travis Knight, CEO of Laika, said: 'The Boxtrolls is a visually dazzling mash-up of gripping detective story, absurdist comedy, and steampunk adventure with a surprisingly wholesome heart.
‘The Boxtrolls is a moving and human story with timelessness and powerful emotional resonance.’
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