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Παρασκευή 20 Ιουλίου 2012

Colombian transexual denied asylum in Spain.

The Spanish National Court claims the asylum petition is only meant to avoid deportation.
A Colombian transexual submitted an asylum request days after being placed in Spain's Center for Foreigners for subsequent deportation.
A Colombian transexual has been denied asylum in Spain.
According to El Diaro De Cádiz, the National Court ruled that the individual only wanted to avoid deportation from Spain.
The claimant, who has been in Spain since May 2000, submitted the petition 24 March 2011, five days after courts ruled the individual be kept in the Center for Foreigners in Algericas for subsequent deportation.
The news website did not clarify the gender identity of the individual, referring to the person as 'a transexual'
On 29 March 2011 the UN High Commissioner for Refugees requested that the asylum petition be approved due to the 'gravity' of the situation and also because of the individual's fear of becoming part of a 'social cleansing' in Colombia.
The Spanish Interior Ministry denied the application saying: 'The asylum petition was made after an order of expulsion was put in place, which points to fraudulent implications, wanting to use asylum as a means of by-passing rules and regulations concerning aliens in this country'.
In the asylum petition, the claimant pointed to the 'physical danger' for transexuals in Colombia because of their sexual identity.
The individual from Barrancabermeja claimed 'they don't accept people like me'.
The defendant claimed suffering 'abuse and humiliation' throughout adolescence.
According to the petition Colombian police also ignored complaints about attacks.
The National Court claims these details were only submitted after the individual was set to be deported.

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